Some years ago, the world seemed on a singular path towards global integration. There were a mess of "new world order" conspiracy theories following in the wake, but, all in all, the science of prediction -- futuring, visioning, superforcasting --consistently described a variety of scenarios that led to a revolution in conscious awareness in humans and domestic animals, a new more humane humanism, ecologically-oriented industry and an exponential increase in worldwide economic efficiency and prosperity, in the end entangling and elevating human curiosity and creativity sufficiently to usher in the next stage of human sociopolitical evolution. Whew. That's more than a mouthful. 

So what's happened to that mouthful? The path humanity was on took suddenly and unexpectedly yet another detour, not completely unlike those preceding and during World Wars I and II. I think of these detours (in modern-speak) as a return to "dissing:" dis-ruption and dis-traction leading to dis-integration, dis-order and dis-trust. In broader terms (that I don't like to think of) another Dark Age. Still, Dark Ages are primarily of the mind, propagating and resulting in "dissing" and can be changed simply by a mental return to the path to global integration. 

Interestingly, I think that the current COVID-19 pandemic is our chance to stop and rethink the detour I sense we're currently taking, thereby lifting ourselves by our own bootstraps out of the impending Dark Age. Humanity has a smorgasbord of "good" laid out before it, but this time, we have to individually reach out and choose to participate in our collective evolution. 

Interestingly, that's some of what my book, TOTAL MELTDOWN (Borgo/Wildside 2013) with William Maltese and its sequel, the manuscript entitled "The Edge of Madness" currently in editing with Aignos Publishing (the avant garde imprint of Savant Books and Publications) are all about.