YES, you heard correctly!  Physicist Roberto Serra of the Federal University of ABC in Santo Andre, Brazil reported an experiment where heat flowed from cold to hot (rather than as the one-way "arrow of time" would suggest only from hot to cold). While a small step, it suggests that time's unidirectional flow may be more relative than absolute. 

Stephen Hawking recently suggested that when charged particles get sucked into a black hole, they leave behind a holographic imprint on the event horizon. While all the physical elements will be lost, as Hawking radiation in the form of photons escapes it picks up the "information blueprint" from the event horizon and carries it back back into the Universe. What makes this feasible is a phenomenon called quantum correlation. Quantum correlation is like but weaker than quantum entanglement. When correlated, an "information blueprint" can be shared simultaneously between correlated quanta. This further suggests that time flow, if not reversible, can be experienced as such. 

A complete description of quantum correlation along event horizons is said to be consistent with M-Superstring Theory, something Kate Keenan was aware of when she attempted to create a solution to the Quantum Death Machine in A. G. Hayes' QUANTUM DEATH (Savant 2016), the fifth in the Koski and Falk special agent series. 

It remains my privilege to have co-authored this work with A. G. Hayes, and I want to take this entangled moment to wish all our readers, followers and potential readers a pleasant Christmas Information Blueprint and a Measurably Pleasant Correlated, if not Entangled New Year, simultaneously both now and in the past. #quantum #timereversal #blackhole #Hawking #Serra  #eventhorizon #M-Theory #entanglement #correlation